The Advantages For You
Supporters of the DWIH profit from a participatory structure, combined expertise, valuable synergies and a great deal more. Generating added value for all partners from Germany and the host country is the focus of the DWIH.
The German Centres for Research and Innovation (DWIH) generate a positive perception of Germany as a land of research, science and innovation. You also have the opportunity to support the DWIH – and thereby to take advantage of the strengths of an international network.
These are the advantages for you:
Participatory structure
Supporters of the DWIH profit from a participatory structure that ensures that all organisations involved can play their part. All participating actors are involved in the strategic development of the DWIH.
Added value
Generating added value for all partners from Germany and the host country is the focus of the DWIH. To this end, the activities of the DWIH complement those of the various actors and their objectives.
Central points of contact
In the host countries, the DWIH serve as central points of contact for information and communication with German actors in the research and innovation landscape, providing links to intermediary organisations and universities as well as to non-university research institutions and research-based companies. Jointly presenting several actors in an appealing manner combines expertise and creates synergetic effects.
Contact between innovation leaders
The DWIH facilitate contact between innovation leaders in science and research-based companies, always taking account of local specificities. Collaboration can therefore take a wide variety of forms, depending on what best suits the location in question.
Partnership collaboration
Supporters can apply to the DWIH for subsidies for events and activities that contribute to achieving the joint objectives. In addition, they can become involved in the partnership collaboration of the DWIH.